Modern Technology has become an essential part of every man’s life.  As Modern Technology takes part in the development and inclusive growth of every locality,  the platform for communication also demands to upgrade itself to be at par with the global standard.

It is my great pride to present among my beloved constituents, another milestone set for the greater and progressive Pasacao, the launch of the Municipal Website. It is first of its kind and a premier access to every Pasaqueño to be connected anytime, anywhere.

It has been a productive and collaborative effort of the Local Government Unit of Pasacao and together with the Department of Information and Communication Technology for us to have a more functional means and access to information through electronic communication.

The rebirth of the Municipal Website kick-starts our journey to a more progressive Pasacao. We are now connected to the fast and engaging world of modern communication. It is also one of our efforts to promote Pasacao  into an  eco tourism destination  with a lot more to offer. This website is also an opportunity for us to invite more investors in our local community.  I believe that a well-informed and is an  empowered Pasaqueño.

I would like to extend my gratitude to the agencies and individuals who made this project possible.  Congratulations to all of us. MATATAG PASACAO!