I wish to extend my sincerest felicitations to my constituents in Pasacao Camarines Sur and to all my fellow Pasaquenos across the globe as we celebrate our 139th Town Fiesta in honor of our patron Saint, Saint Rose of Lima and the celebration of our 22ND Pasa Pasa Ikaw Festival.
The support of our different offices and departments in the Local Government Unit of Pasacao with the assistance of the different sectors in our community especially the 19 Barangays has made this year’s celebration a success.
Let me also take this opportunity to congratulate the committee behind The various festival activitieswho dedicated their time and talent in order to accomplish this worthwhile project. To our valued partners who gave their support my sincerest gratitude to all of you.
In the coming years we will continue to innovate and to make the celebration of our fiestas relevant and memorable so that there will be more Pasaquenos who will take pride of their hometown.
With a solid leadership and with our MATATAG PASACAO development programs, Pasacao is certainly on the path to further progress.
Maogmang Fiesta po sa satuya gabos. Dios Mbalos po!
Miss Pasacao Official Candidates